Connor suffers a serious setback

The Young and the Restless Recap for Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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The Young and the Restless Daily Recaps (Wednesday, June 26, 2024)
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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Adam and Chelsea visited Connor. In their hotel suite, Connor told his parents that the facility had been helping him, but it was good to get out for a while. They ate pizza and talked about how great the day together had been. Connor mentioned that he felt bad that his parents were paying for a facility that was "crazy expensive." Adam told his son not to "give it another thought." Connor said that he was very lucky to have Adam and Chelsea, and other kids didn't have everything that Connor did.

Chelsea and Adam took Connor back to the facility. When they got back to the hotel, they were elated about their visit with their son. Adam said that he wanted to ask the doctors when Connor could return home, but Chelsea cautioned Adam to "trust" the doctors. Adam and Chelsea agreed that they were happy to have "each other to lean on," and they hugged.

Adam made arrangements to fly home. Chelsea received a call from one of Connor's doctors. Dr. Hammond asked if she could stop by their hotel room.

Dr. Hammond said that Connor had had a wonderful time with his parents. Dr. Hammond reported that Connor had had an OCD flareup when he'd returned to the facility. Connor had been overwhelmed by having had such a good day. Connor had hit himself and had "used a pen" to cut himself. The doctor said that because of the self-harm, Connor had had to be moved to "inpatient status." Chelsea and Adam were devastated.

Dr. Hammond explained that Connor would be more closely monitored and that the OCD was "fighting back" on Connor's progress. The doctor said that Connor might be in the inpatient wing for a couple of weeks. Adam thanked Dr. Hammond for letting them know what had happened, and she left. Chelsea seemed to be in shock as Adam complained about the latest turn of events. Chelsea lashed out at Adam and said that it was her "turn to freak out."

Chelsea yelled that Connor had "attacked himself." Chelsea spiraled out of control, blaming herself and Adam for being selfish parents. Adam tried to comfort Chelsea as she cried.

At Chancellor-Winters, Lily admonished Devon for how he had spoken to her when Billy had been there. Nate agreed that Devon had been hard on Lily, but Devon insisted that he had just been "selling" Billy on the belief that Lily would be staying with the Chancellor side of the business. Lily was agitated, and she reminded Devon that Billy was "convinced" Lily would be sticking with Billy when the company separated. Lily felt that Devon was trying to "sabotage" the plan, and Devon suggested that Lily actually wanted to go along with Billy's plan.

Lily asked why Devon was "doubting" her. The siblings continued to argue about each other's motivations. Devon said that his concern was how long it had taken Lily to share the news that Billy had asked her to team up and oust Devon. Lily defended herself and asked if Devon thought she was "some liar who's waiting to betray" him.

Devon said that Lily might be lying to herself about wanting to work on the Winters side of the business. Lily grew angrier and said that she might need to "reconsider" joining Devon at Winters. Devon suggested that Lily was "looking for a reason" to stay with Billy. Lily accused Devon of not wanting her at his company. Lily and Devon continued to go around and around until Lily asked Nate and Devon to leave so she could work.

At Society, Billy met Chance. Billy assumed Chance had heard about the changes at the company and wanted to talk about them, but Chance said that he was very worried about Jill's condition. Jill had filled Chance in on her health, and Chance asked Billy about Jill's prognosis. Billy admitted that he had been worried, too, but he said that Snapper had been optimistic.

Billy told Chance about the plan to divide the company. Chance asked why Lily would want to "tear down" what she had created at Chancellor-Winters. Billy said that Lily understood that the company was being harmed by the "infighting." Chance questioned how Nate and Devon had taken Billy's idea. Billy told Chance that Devon had been "skeptical," but there were enough board votes to pass the idea regardless. Chance said that Billy's plan seemed "contentious."

Billy suggested that Chance become the COO of Abbott-Chancellor. Nate and Devon walked in and said hello. After seeing if Chance was up to speed, Devon reported that he was "on the fence" about dividing the company, but Devon would go with "however the board votes." Billy said that the plan was "locked up," and Devon said that they would have to "wait and find out."

Devon and Nate grabbed a table, and Devon complained about having to deal with Billy. Devon said that they had to consider the possibility that Lily was "intrigued" by the idea of "running Abbott-Chancellor with Billy." Nate worried that Devon was going to create a "self-fulfilling prophecy," and Devon's hostility would drive Lily away. Nate defended Lily for wondering if Devon was trying to push her away.

Devon insisted that he wanted to run Winters with his family. Nate said that Lily and Devon needed to be "honest with each other" and ask themselves what they both really wanted.

At Chancellor-Winters, Chance visited Lily and told her that he was aware of Billy's plans. Chance said that he was "all in" on the plan, and he was excited to work with Lily. Chance told Lily how much the company meant to him, and he hoped things could "settle down" after the "demerger."

At Chancellor Park, Billy answered a video call from Jill. Billy thanked Jill for telling Chance about her health news, and Billy let Jill know that Devon and Nate were aware of Billy's plan. Billy said that as soon as Abby landed in Paris, they could call a board vote about separating the company. Jill said that she had been having "second thoughts" about the plan.

Jill reported that she had looked at the "numbers," and Chancellor-Winters had been doing very well. Jill felt that it might be risky to split the company, but Billy argued that it was worth the risk to get Abbott added to the company name. Jill was skeptical that Lily would want to share the CEO spot with Billy, but Billy said that after the way Devon had acted earlier, Lily was ready to "part ways" with Devon.

Billy confirmed with Jill that he still had her "voting power" and said that he was going to "run with it."

Alone in her office, Lily glanced at a picture of Neil. Lily remembered Neil telling her how to run their company. Lily logged in to her computer and took a video call from Jill. Jill asked if Lily was really okay with Billy's plan. Lily wondered if Jill was okay, as well, and both women seemed to be playing their cards close to the vest. Jill admitted to being worried that the demerger would not be "smooth," and she said that she might "vote [her] own shares on this one." Lily was surprised and asked which way Jill was going to vote. Jill warned that if they didn't "get this right," they could lose all they had worked for.

On the next The Young and the Restless...


• Victor keeps his cards close to the vest.

• Nikki tells Jack she's feeling very guilty.

• Michael confides in Diane.



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