Lily suspects Devon of trying to sabotage her plan

The Young and the Restless Recap for Tuesday, June 25, 2024
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The Young and the Restless Daily Recaps (Tuesday, June 25, 2024)
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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sharon happily folded Faith's laundry at the cottage, but Faith protested that she was an adult who could wash her own clothes. Sharon explained that she was glad to have her little girl home, and she intended to pretend Faith wasn't an adult yet. Sharon observed from the amount of dirty clothes that Faith had been saving it up for a while. Faith replied that she'd been distracted, and Sharon sympathized that her daughter was going through a rough time. Faith warned that it would make her feel worse if Sharon was taking pity on her.

Sharon insisted that she was acting out of love, not pity. Faith claimed that she was "almost totally over" Moses, and she refused to let him ruin her summer any more than he already had. Sharon admired Faith's resilience, but she cautioned Faith against running away from her feelings. Sharon added that a broken heart couldn't heal overnight, and pretending it had would only delay the healing.

Faith admitted that the breakup still hurt, but she didn't want to give Moses the satisfaction of knowing that. Sharon noted that Faith didn't have to give him anything at all, but Faith could cry and eat ice cream with Sharon. Faith asked what Sharon had done when she'd gotten her heart broken. Sharon confessed that she'd done some stupid and embarrassing things, but she'd healed in time. Faith wondered if the pain was worth it.

Sharon recalled the story she and Nick had shared about the ups and downs in their romance, eventually settling for a meaningful friendship. Faith inquired whether Sharon regretted that it hadn't turned into more than that, and Sharon replied that she tried not to linger in regrets about anything. Sharon asserted that she and Nick were exactly where they were supposed to be. Faith conceded that a woman didn't need a partner to be happy, but she didn't like to think of Sharon being all by herself.

Sharon pointed out that she was hardly rattling around the house with nothing to do, citing her business, friends, and family. Faith recognized that her mom was also a complete romantic who lit up when she was with someone special. Faith remembered last seeing Sharon like that when she'd been with Rey, and Sharon mused that he had been special. Faith recounted that they had seemed relaxed and effortless together, and she'd seen the same look when Sharon was around Nick. Sharon thought Faith was seeing comfort and family.

Sharon recognized that she and Nick had had everything at one time, but dredging up bad memories wasn't the message she wanted to convey to Faith. Sharon insisted that they'd all moved on, and she and Phyllis were even cordial and respectful with one another. Sharon remarked that it wouldn't surprise her if Nick got back together with Phyllis at some point, since the two still had a connection. Sharon speculated that maybe all they needed to really move on was knowing the person they'd loved had someone else in their heart.

Faith struggled to compare what Nick and Sharon had shared with what he'd had with Phyllis. Sharon instructed Faith not to compare the relationships because they had been very different. Sharon admitted that her mind sometimes wandered back to that time, but it didn't stay there long because there had been a lot of pain. Faith surmised that her mom meant Cassie's death. Sharon didn't blame Nick for spinning out, since they'd both been lost.

Faith asked if Sharon still thought about Cassie. Sharon explained that she didn't every day, but there were moments that stirred up memories of Cassie, who would always be in her heart. Sharon recounted that she and Nick still took flowers to Cassie on her birthday and celebrated the anniversary of her death by embracing life to honor her. Faith wished she'd known Cassie, and Sharon imagined that Faith would have had the best big sister. They exchanged words of love, and they hugged.

Sharon asked what Faith wanted to do on her first day back home. Faith planned to meet some high school friends, but she offered to cancel if Sharon wanted to hang out. Sharon urged Faith to see her friends, and Faith thanked her mom for making home someplace she always wanted to return to. Faith had worried it might have been different after everything that had happened with Cameron, but she credited her parents for wiping out the bad memories with good ones. Faith promised to check in later, and she headed out.

At Society, Daniel inquired about Heather's job interview, and she reported that it had been pleasant, polite, and unsuccessful. Daniel theorized that the law firm had heard that her significant other had sued one of the largest companies in town. Heather switched the topic to how Lily had taken the news about Daniel dropping the lawsuit. Surprised, Lucy asked why he'd done that. Daniel reiterated that he hadn't wanted to fight, and he'd preferred to put it behind them so they could all move on. Daniel revealed that Chancellor-Winters would be keeping Princess Louisa.

Daniel said he understood if Lucy was upset, but she adamantly declared that she thought it had been the right move. Lucy acknowledged that she'd been her father's inspiration for Princess Louisa, but she was older and didn't need a game to be sure he loved her. She added that she hated that he and Lily had been fighting about it, and she'd never wanted Lily to get hurt. Lucy proclaimed that she had everything she'd ever wanted, so Chancellor-Winters could have the game.

Daniel jokingly asked Heather if she recognized the person sitting with them, and Heather gushed that the kind, generous person was their daughter. Daniel admitted that he'd been dreading breaking the news, and he thanked Lucy for understanding. He added that he was proud to be her dad. Lucy told him to stop, or she'd cry. Daniel implored someone to say something funny or stupid fast, or he'd cry, too.

Heather inquired about Lily's reaction, and Daniel relayed that Lily had been willing to give the game back to him. Heather was taken aback that he'd allowed Chancellor-Winters to have it. Daniel apologetically explained that he'd failed to mention that part earlier because he hadn't wanted to talk to his lawyer -- he'd wanted to tell the woman he loved. He continued that he'd let it go because of his guilt over what he'd done to Lily, and it had felt cathartic because the game was their past, not their future. Heather bet that Lily had been thrilled. Daniel coyly stated that he hadn't given it away for nothing.

Daniel divulged that Princess Louisa would become a part of Chancellor-Winters' classic games library, so there would be no spinoffs or alterations of anything he'd created. Heather squealed that it meant Daniel's work would always have Lucy's name on it, and his love letter to his daughter would remain intact. Lucy thought they should celebrate, but Daniel blurted out that there was more. He announced that Lily had also agreed to make a sizable contribution to Lucy's college fund. Lucy enthused that Lily was just as cool as Lucy had thought, and Heather cooed that she was very proud of Daniel.

Faith entered the restaurant and stopped by Daniel, Heather, and Lucy's table to say hello. Daniel inquired how college was going, and Faith replied that she was ready for summer break. Daniel introduced Faith to Lucy, who realized Faith was "that girl" who'd been kidnapped by her mom's ex and had a bomb strapped to her. Daniel was sure Faith didn't want to relive it, and Lucy quickly apologized, praising Faith for being brave. Faith offered to tell Lucy about it sometime. Faith received a text message with a change in plans, and she suggested that she and Lucy grab lunch or coffee over the summer.

Faith passed by Sharon as she exited Society. She briefly explained that her plans had changed, and she hurried off. Sharon entered the restaurant and greeted Daniel, Heather, and Lucy. Daniel mentioned that Faith had just hit it off with Lucy, and the girls were hoping to hang out over the summer. Lucy teased that he didn't have to set up play dates for her.

Heather invited Sharon to join her, Daniel, and Lucy, but Sharon declined because she was just there to pick up takeout before getting back to work. Sharon headed to the bar, and she flashed back to confronting Daniel in the hospital after Cassie's accident. Nick had stopped her from lunging at Daniel, and they had ordered Daniel to leave. Sharon picked up her food and ducked out.

Heather observed that Daniel seemed lighter, like a burden had been lifted. Lucy asked what would happen next, and Daniel contemplated what their next adventure would be. Lucy proposed that they go to Africa or sail around the world. Daniel envisioned having an adventure right there in Genoa City, but he was sure whatever it ended up being would be great because he had the two of them to share it with him. Lucy grabbed her parents' hands and said she loved them.

At Crimson Lights, Nick approached Phyllis at a table, and she invited him to sit. He noted that he hadn't seen her in a while, and she indicated that she'd been busy trying to keep a roof over her head. He inquired whether there had been anything positive on the job front, and she vaguely replied that she was formulating a plan. She braced for him to interrogate her, but he said he'd learned to mind his own business. She warned him not to mess with her, since she was vulnerable and sensitive from being unemployed.

Nick bet he could help Phyllis with whatever she had going on. Phyllis confided that she was working on a job search that would take her full circle and land her closer to home, but she couldn't get into specifics. She implied that if everything went the way she wanted, she would be able to deliver karmic payback to Chancellor-Winters. Nick frowned upon Phyllis' plan because it sounded like revenge. Phyllis swore it wasn't even remotely underhanded.

Phyllis mentioned that she'd heard there was upheaval at Chancellor-Winters, and she intended to sit back and do nothing. She anticipated that there would be opportunities for her once everything exploded, and she wouldn't have to lift a finger. Nick asked where Phyllis was getting her information, but she hesitated to reveal her sources. He assured her it would be off the record, and she claimed that she had friends at Chancellor-Winters who had told her there had been infighting going on between Lily and Devon. Nick noticed that Phyllis had left out Billy's name, which made him think Billy was the one behind the trouble.

Phyllis contended that Billy was the only one interested in growing the company, but Nick chided her for not giving Devon and Lily credit. Phyllis complained that the siblings' leadership was stale, and she cited the huge chip Devon had on his shoulder over Billy being there. Nick questioned why she was defending Billy, but Phyllis claimed that she was just calling it like she saw it. Nick swore that he was just trying to protect her from stepping on a landmine, since Billy always had been and always would be trouble. Nick suspected that Phyllis expected Billy to end up on top and find a place for her there.

Nick worried that Phyllis was pushing herself into a situation where she wasn't wanted. Phyllis defended that she was very good at what she did, and she had value and skills. Nick assured her that he was impressed with her talents, but he wanted to make sure the next place for her was the right one. Phyllis groaned that she'd been banging on doors, but no one was opening the door to her, and she was starting to get desperate. Nick reminded her that things tended to blow up in her face when she acted impulsively, and he begged her to take a breath and think about it.

Nick promised that he'd ended his sermon, but he cautioned that Phyllis pinning her hopes on Billy was a recipe for disaster. Phyllis thanked Nick for always looking out for her, and she grasped his hands in hers. Sharon spied them as she walked into the coffeehouse, and she stopped in her tracks.

At Chancellor-Winters, Nate marveled to Devon that Lily's plan was happening, and he resolved to try not to act surprised when she and Billy told them that they were breaking up the company. Nate asked if Devon had any last-minute doubts about Lily following through, but Billy and Lily's arrival prevented Devon from responding. Lily announced that the meeting she'd called was about moving forward, since there had been a lot of tenson in the office lately, and she believed the infighting had stopped the company from growing. She continued that she and Billy had found a scenario that would stop the constant conflict. "Now this I'd like to hear!" Mamie exclaimed from the doorway.

Devon huffed that it was a private meeting, and Mamie hadn't been invited because they'd all agreed she was no longer part of the decision-making process. Mamie figured that she would no longer be banished once everyone realized she was trying to prevent them from making any foolish decisions that would harm the company. Mamie requested an explanation about what had happened with Omega Sphere. Lily recounted that she and Daniel had settled, so there was no longer a lawsuit, and no one had an issue with the settlement. Billy guided the topic back to the subject at hand, but Devon refused to have the meeting with Mamie there.

Devon clarified that he loved Mamie, but she couldn't be around when they were talking about the future of the company. Mamie encouraged him to listen to himself, since he was showing little compassion or forgiveness. She pondered whether Devon was just as much at fault as Tucker was for the wedge between the men. Mamie called Tucker disreputable and untrustworthy, but she believed he genuinely wanted to set things right with Devon. Mamie imagined that Devon had been thrilled to hear that Glissade had been sold out from underneath Tucker, and Devon was shocked. Mamie warned Devon against pushing away family, as it was the only constant they had in life. She walked out.

Nate felt for Mamie, but Devon stood behind not letting her cause issues that would prevent Billy and Lily from presenting their idea in peace. Billy declared that it was time they faced the fact that they wouldn't find a working common ground, since the divide between him and Devon was deep and unsolvable. Billy accepted his share of responsibility for it, and Devon considered it a generous gesture. Billy acknowledged that they'd attained some good things with the merger, but it had ultimately felt like a failed vision.

Lily agreed, noting that she hadn't wanted to face reality for a long time, but she thought it was time to split the companies. She pictured Devon and Nate taking back Winters and its divisions, while she and Billy would run the Chancellor side. She intended to divide whatever had been acquired during the merger fairly, and she wanted Devon and Nate to have input. Devon said he had a difficult time believing that she just wanted to abandon Winters. Lily conceded that it had been a difficult decision to leave Winters behind.

Devon groused that Lily was essentially throwing away Neil's legacy. Lily insisted that she was doing it to help both companies grow without getting bogged down by petty arguments and power plays. Devon incredulously asked if she expected to achieve it by teaming up with Billy. Lily asserted that Jill had handed her the reins, and Chancellor had been Lily's responsibility for a long time, so it made business sense. Billy attested to the fact that Lily had been reluctant at first, but she'd eventually seen that it was a clear solution to the problem. Billy hoped Devon would reach the same conclusion once he stopped being "pissed off and territorial."

Devon demanded to know why Billy needed Lily when he could just take Chancellor for himself. Lily testily asked if Devon had such little respect for her that he didn't think she could be an asset. Devon swore he was just making sure Billy wasn't using her by convincing her what a great team they could be when Billy really only needed her influence to make the whole thing happen. Devon questioned whether Billy would treat Lily like an obstacle rather than a partner the first time they had a disagreement, the same way he'd done with Devon.

Devon dared Billy to admit that the whole idea was all about Billy taking control of Chancellor and renaming it Abbott. Lily ordered the men to stop, since she believed it was the best move, and no one was pulling her strings. Devon stated that the motion required a board vote, and he suggested that they wait until Abby returned from Paris. Billy pointed out that they could vote via video chat, but Devon protested that Abby was on the plane.

Devon reasoned that it would take Abby time to digest the proposal, just as the rest of them should. Lily agreed that it was a massive decision, and they should give it a day or two. Billy said that sounded good, and he headed out. Lily closed the door behind him. "What the hell were you doing?" she spat. Devon claimed that he'd been selling the plan as they'd discussed. Lily angrily retorted that it had sounded like he'd been trying to sabotage it.

On the next The Young and the Restless...


• Victor keeps his cards close to the vest.

• Nikki tells Jack she's feeling very guilty.

• Michael confides in Diane.



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