Leo confronts Diana about their abusive relationship

Days of our Lives Recap for Tuesday, June 25, 2024
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Days of our Lives Daily Recaps (Tuesday, June 25, 2024)
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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

At the Brady Pub, a chipper Lucas greeted his mother. "Sleep well?" Kate asked. "So much better than Statesville. So much better than the monastery," Lucas said. When Lucas mentioned that he had heard crying during the night, Kate told him that Harris had broken up with Ava and left town. Lucas noted that he was disappointed that he had not had a chance to thank Harris for his help with the commutation. "He took long enough," Kate grumbled.

Lucas informed Kate that he wanted to move to Phoenix to be closer to Will and Ari. "And I have to make amends for what I did to Sami. I'm surprised that [Will and Ari] are even speaking to me at all," Lucas added. Kate was taken aback. "They know exactly what their mother did, how she tormented you. I mean, basically, she drove you to do what you did," Kate argued. "It doesn't justify my behavior," Lucas said. Kate reluctantly agreed.

"I can't just blame Sami, I guess. There's someone else I could blame," Kate said. When Lucas asked who, Kate said she was at fault, too. "How is it your fault that I went crazy and kidnapped my ex?" Lucas asked. Kate noted that Philip had also had issues with his ex. "You both could have inherited this particular form of madness from me," Kate said. Lucas noted that Kate had never been obsessed with an ex.

"Not for a man. But for my kids, I certainly did," Kate said. Lucas agreed that Kate was overly protective, but he admired that Kate was fiercely loyal and supportive to her children. "That's all that matters," Lucas said. "You've done the same for your kids," Kate noted. Lucas nodded in agreement. "That's why I have to see them now. I miss them very much," Lucas said. Kate noted that the kids felt the same way about Lucas.

"You know I'm going to give you my blessing to go to Arizona and see them, as long as you promise to come back," Kate said. Lucas agreed. "I am so grateful that you are free," Kate said. "I will never take my freedom for granted again," Lucas said.

Chad returned home to the Horton house, and Julie rushed to greet him. "You didn't come home last night! I was so worried about you," Julie said. Chad apologized. As Chad started to explain that he had driven to Clyde's new prison, Jack entered the room.

"Before we say goodbye, let's just back up a second. Why would you want to see Weston again? He's told you everything you want to know, hasn't he?" Jack asked. Jack warned Chad not to seek revenge. Chad admitted that he had tracked Clyde to Montana. "I was gonna pull the trigger, but I didn't ultimately, because you know, Abigail wouldn't have wanted that," Chad said. Jack agreed.

"[Abigail] would have wanted you to think of Thomas and Charlotte and how much they need their dad right now. So as much as I want Clyde to rot in hell, I'm really glad you didn't make that choice," Jack said. With a sigh, Jack hugged Chad and Julie goodbye. As Jack started to leave, a teary-eyed Julie called out to him. "What is it?" Jack asked. Julie asked Jack to take the time capsule box back to Jennifer. "[Jennifer] is a clever girl. So maybe she has the magic touch," Julie said. Jack took the box. "You mean so much to all of us. Please come back soon, will you?" Julie said. Jack promised to return with Jennifer.

After Jack left, Chad worried aloud to Julie, "I thought you were about to tell him." Julie noted there was nothing to tell Jack yet. Chad admitted that he was worried that they would never learn the truth about Abigail. "You're not giving up, are you?" Julie asked. Chad admitted he was frustrated that Clyde had been taken away.

"Do you think Rafe could intercede for you?" Julie asked. "The Feds already know that Clyde could have information on missing persons. They said no exceptions," Chad complained. Chad and Julie agreed that they needed to find answers with or without Clyde's help. Chad talked with Julie about the video, and he admitted that he did not know if it was proof that Abigail was alive or not.

Lucas stopped by for a visit, and Julie informed Chad that Lucas' sentence had been commuted. Elated, Chad gave Lucas a bear hug. "Congratulations!" Chad said. "I just came to say goodbye," Lucas said. Lucas explained that he was headed to Phoenix to stay with his family for an extended time. "What's going on here?" Lucas asked as he pointed at the laptop on the desk. "It's all right as long as he doesn't tell Jack or Jennifer," Julie said. Chad told Lucas about the video, and he played it for Lucas.

"I think Clyde's playing mind games with you," Lucas said. Lucas added that he understood that Chad wanted to search for the truth. Chad told Lucas that he planned to enhance the footage to find clues. "We all wish that this could be Abigail," Lucas said. "We all wish it. More than anything in the world," Julie agreed.

At the Carver-Price residence, Abe and Paulina boxed up items that the twins had left behind. With a chuckle, Abe suggested that they keep the items so that Eli and Lani would have a reason to visit again. "I just said goodbye to one daughter, and now I'm about to say goodbye to my Chanel, and yet another grandbaby growing up thousands of miles away," Paulina said. Abe noted that Johnny and Chanel would return home soon enough.

Abe showed Paulina a story in the paper about the failed mayoral recall. "Congratulations, Mrs. Mayor," Abe said. Paulina complained that the headline had called her the "Radioactive Mayor." Abe assured Paulina that everything would blow over, since E.J. had shut down the recall movement. "It still galls me that I had to reinstate that two-timing E.J. DiMera to make this go away," Paulina muttered. Paulina lamented that she had been forced to fire Melinda.

When Abe asked Paulina if she had any candidates to head up sanitation, she noted that there were none. Abe said he was interested in the job. Paulina was surprised. "I know the job. Town obviously has a need," Abe explained. "Here I thought you were enjoying retirement," Paulina said. Paulina asked Abe if he minded working for her. Abe told Paulina that he was eager to spend more time with her.

"Only thing I'd be concerned about is that it will be viewed as nepotism," Paulina said. Suspicious, Abe asked if that was Paulina's real concern. "I get the feeling that you really don't want me working for you," Abe said. Paulina told Abe that she did not want to be his boss but instead his equal. Abe said he understood.

In a hospital room, Chanel and Johnny waited to hear about the results of her ultrasound. When Dr. Mark Greene arrived, he confirmed, "The baby appears to be developing normally. But there is one concern I'd like to discuss." Mark explained that there were two markers for a possible congenital abnormality. "I'm going to refer you to a genetic counselor in Los Angeles, run some further tests," Mark said. Concerned, Chanel asked if the markers were related to radiation exposure.

"Your exposure was brief, and the levels were relatively low. But there is no way to know for sure," Mark said. Chanel gaped at Johnny, and he squeezed her hand. "I just want to say, as the older brother of someone with Down syndrome, I wouldn't be where I am today without my sister. She's brought so much into my life. She's the kindest person I know," Mark said.

"And she's also an excellent baker. I'm going to miss Felicity," Chanel added with a grin. When Mark noted that Felicity had wanted to say goodbye to Chanel, Chanel texted Felicity to meet up with her.

After Chanel and Johnny left the hospital, they walked over to the bakery. "I thought I was at peace with leaving everything behind," Chanel said. Chanel admitted that she was scared about her pregnancy and becoming a mother. When Felicity arrived, Chanel wiped away the tears from her eyes and said hello.

"Are you okay?" Felicity asked. Chanel admitted that she was emotional about her move. Felicity said that she would miss Chanel, and they hugged goodbye. Felicity gave Chanel her favorite stuffed cat. "I can't take that," Chanel said. "I want your baby to have it," Felicity insisted. Johnny promised they would take care of the cat. After Felicity left, Chanel confessed that she felt like she had forced the pregnancy on Johnny. Johnny disagreed.

"I will admit that it took me a little while to warm up to the idea, but now that I've seen those ultrasound pictures, I am completely on board," Johnny said. "The test results didn't change anything for you?" Chanel asked. Johnny said no. "A child can be born completely healthy, and you still never know what could happen down the road," Chanel said. Chanel noted that Theo and Felicity were blessings to their families. Johnny told Chanel that he felt the same way about her and their baby. "Whatever life throws at us, we will get through together," Johnny promised.

Abe went to the pub to pick up takeout for Johnny and Chanel, and he told Kate about the newlyweds' plans to fly out that night. Kate told Abe about Lucas' plan to move to Arizona. With a smirk, Kate joked that Lucas' departure was a sign from the universe that she needed to stop obsessing about her children. "Move on with my life. Maybe get a job," Kate said. With a chuckle, Abe said he had had a similar thought. Kate asked if Abe was interested in going into business with her. Abe told Kate to reach out to him when she had a business plan. "You can be sure I will," Kate said.

At the Carver-Price home, Paulina asked Chanel and Johnny about their doctor's appointment. Chanel hesitated, so Johnny said, "Everything's fine." Paulina smiled and hugged Johnny and Chanel. When Paulina mentioned that Abe was getting takeout, Chanel noted that her stomach was rumbling. Chanel's smile fell away, and she winced. "What's wrong?" Paulina asked. Chanel groaned and doubled over in pain.

At the prison, Leo waited in the visitors' center for his mother to arrive. "Leo. It's been a while. To what do I owe the, well, I won't say pleasure," Diana said when she walked in. Diana spotted the letter in front of Leo, and she reached for it. Leo snatched it away. "A script?" Diana asked. "Just some notes, Mom. You know, we can't all go through life unfiltered, just shooting from the hip like you," Leo said. Diana laughed.

"You're one to talk," Diana said. Diana recalled a time when Leo had been a child and had yelled at a woman on an amusement park ride. "I was just trying to take a stand," Leo said. "Is that why you're here? To take a stand?" Diana asked mockingly. Leo explained that he had started therapy and that Marlena had encouraged him to confront his childhood traumas.

"Oh, please. You don't have anything better to do than listen to that New Age quack?" Diana said. Defensive, Leo argued that Marlena was a great therapist. Diana scoffed. "Why don't you just man up for once in your life?" Diana started. Leo groaned. "You do cut sort of a sad, lonely figure, but you are not crazy. So, why on God's green earth do you need therapy?" Diana asked. "Because of you!" Leo countered.

"Sure, let's blame Mommy. That's original," Diana muttered. "I'm not blaming you," Leo said. Diana told Leo that if his purpose for the visit was to guilt-trip her, he had wasted his time. "The last time I was here, you told me I was an utterly worthless human being who no one could ever love," Leo said. "And you agreed with me," Diana countered. Leo argued that he had only agreed with his mother because she had gaslit him his whole life. Leo recounted a story of how Diana had called him an incredible singer, and he had signed up for a talent competition. The audience had thrown things at Leo on stage.

"I cannot sing worth a lick. You lied to me!" Leo yelled. Diana chuckled. "If that actually happened, and I'm highly skeptical, maybe it was good for you. You know, character building," Diana said. Diana pointed out that Gene Hackman had been mercilessly bullied as a child and had turned out well. "I am going to say what I came here to say, and you are going to listen to me," Leo said.

"You expect me to sit here and listen to your whining and moaning and blaming all your inadequacies on me?" Diana said. Diana asked Leo how many times he had visited her in prison. "Twice. Not even so much as a birthday card," Diana said. Diana called Leo a selfish ingrate. "And now you show up once in a blue moon, and of course, it's all about you and your imaginary childhood traumas," Diana said. Leo stressed that he had a right to his feelings.

"I have meaning!" Leo yelled. Diana screamed for the guard. Leo started to read his script aloud. "I am not worthless. I am not unlovable. I am Leo Stark. I am Matthew Cooper. I am whoever you wanted me to be. My whole life, I did as you said because all little Matty ever craved was your love," Leo read aloud. Leo added that he knew that nothing would have ever been enough for Diana.

"Nobody was ever enough for you. That's why you had no friends. The people you thought were your friends, you just used them and manipulated them to get what you wanted, just like you did with your own son!" Leo read aloud. Diana stared daggers at Leo, and she mocked his self-pitying. Leo wondered aloud if Diana had considered Leo's feelings before she had made him believe that he was John's son.

"[John] was the closest thing I ever had to a parent, to someone who loved me for who I was. And then, when all was said and done, he hated me, too," Leo said. Diana banged on the door. "Take me back to my cell, please!" Diana screamed. Leo recounted that he had learned from his mother how to lie, cheat, keep people at a distance, and betray anyone who actually cared about him. "But most of all, I learned that you never should have been a mother in the first place," Leo concluded. Diana turned and faced Leo.

"Not to a dead loss like you," Diana growled. Diana asked to see the script, and Leo reluctantly gave it to his mother. Diana ripped it to pieces. "What sanctimonious psychobabble. I am not to blame for your degenerate lifestyle. It is not my fault you are the way you are," Diana said. "What do you mean by that, mother? Gay?" Leo asked. "Single, friendless, disloyal, unloving, unloved. I miss anything?" Diana said. "That covers it," Leo whispered. Diana warned Leo that Marlena could not help him.

"I came here to get some things off my chest. This was for me. Not you," Leo said. Diana asked Leo if he felt any better. Leo noted that there had been only one other time in his life when he had poured his heart out to Diana. "Do you remember?" Leo asked. "Why would I want to," Diana muttered. Leo noted that it had been after his father had hit him.

"He hit me so hard. I begged you to make him stop. And do you remember what you said to me? You told me to suck it up. To be a man. So that's what I did. Nine years old. I didn't say a word. And when I finally killed him to protect both of us, you blamed me for all of it. He was the villain. You were the villain. You were my mother. You were supposed to protect me," Leo said through tears. When Diana did not respond, Leo asked her if she had anything to say.

"I'm at a loss, actually. And bored, if you must know," Diana said. Leo chuckled. "I guess it was expecting too much to hear you say, 'I'm sorry'," Leo said. Diana told Leo not to visit her again. "I won't," Leo said. Leo brushed past Diana and walked out. Tears welled in Diana's eyes.

When Leo returned to town, he made a beeline for the hospital. Leo called Marlena's office in the hopes that he could arrange an appointment to talk about his prison visit, but there were no openings until the next day. Leo booked an appointment then sat in the waiting area. "I won't come visit you again, Mother. In fact, I never want to see you again," Leo said. Leo fought back tears. "As sad as it is, I still want you to love me," Leo said. Leo broke down in tears. Mark put a hand on Leo's shoulder, and he asked if Leo was okay.

On the next Days of our Lives...


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